Case studyNewsfluent is a mobile app that utilizes an AI algorithm that validates the trustworthiness of online news and generates a numerical fact-check score based on CRAAP (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy and Purpose) framework.
Election news is accessible today in ways that were unimaginable even just a decade ago. With the rise of technology, sources, and outlets, it is becoming increasingly more challenging to know what political information is reliable, credible, and what or who should be trusted.
Design a user-centric mobile-first experience that increases trust and credibility in election content, in some way, for readers. Consider a visual or functional experience that confirms that news, polls, and outcomes are trustworthy to users.
1 week
Alina and her team placed 5th out of 315 teams from Canada, the US, and the UK in their first Adobe Creative Jam competition in partnership with Adobe and The New York Times.

In our survey, we found out that 80% of young adults get their news from social media and news websites. So we designed Newsfluent, a mobile app that utilizes an AI algorithm to validate the trustworthiness of online news.

User flows

Lo-fi prototypes

So, let’s start by signing up. The first thing she sees is her newsfeed. There is a welcoming message, story of the day and a curated feed of trusted articles. So, let’s say that Alex is scrolling through social media and stumbled upon an article that she would like to fact-check; so she proceeds to entering the URL.

Here are the results. Fact-check score indicates that it only passed currency but failed four other pillars, that makes this article not trusted. Within the article there are red and yellow highlights that Alex can click on for more info. Red highlights indicate not trusted claims and yellow highlights indicate semi-trusted claims and have recommendations for Alex to explore more through trusted sources.

From the main menu Alex is going to go to the search screen. She would like to stay informed about the upcoming election. Let’s use voice search here to enter the keywords: “election 2021”. From here she navigates to the first article.
This article passes all five pillars of the framework and that makes this article 100% trusted. Alex can also collapse or expand the summary. She can also click on green highlights to see more information about the claims and explore more related trusted resources. At the top right corner she can share it with her friends and family or save it to a folder. Note that you can save and share trusted articles only.

Alex can access her saved articles from saved tab. She can also edit existing saves or create a new folder from here. And lastly, she can access Newsfluent’s settings from the settings tab in the menu bar.