Elsewhere with Apple
Case studyIn what ways can technologists illuminate liminality to guide digitally trapped users back to physical realization?
In the digital age, individuals are often disconnected from their surroundings, preoccupied with their digital devices, and unable to fully engage with the world around them, leading them to transition into a state of contextual unavailability. Any lack of awareness of position in time and space can have negative consequences for both the individual and those around them.
Gen Z's relationship with smartphones has brought them a sense of constant connectedness and access to information, but also feelings of distraction and decreased productivity, leading them to acknowledge their loss of agency and place blame on their devices.

“Contextually unavailable” campaign overview.
The advertising campaign for Elsewhere with Apple will begin at WWDC 2023, where the official release of iOS 17 and the app will be announced. However, before the launch, we need to strategically point people towards the app to build awareness of the issue of contextual unavailability. To do this, we plan to use a pre-launch campaign called "Contextually unavailable," which will focus on the condition of users being out of context rather than on the product itself. By creating experiences that encourage people to face contextual unavailability, we hope to raise awareness of the condition. The statement "Contextually unavailable" demands attention, and our goal is to help the audience understand the concept of being out of touch with reality; all that might be meaningful but lost when they spend time glued to the screens of their devices.
Overall, to further explain the idea of contextual unavailability, we will launch the "Contextually unavailable" campaign, which will target a qualified audience to build excitement and anticipation for the upcoming app release. Our aim is to make people look forward to Elsewhere with Apple becoming available.

“Contextually unavailable” cinema execution.
“Despite all the other options available through streaming, there is still the case to be made for the theatre, and the undivided attention it demands when you slip into a seat” (cbc.ca 2023). “"People want to go see the latest in the Marvel series. People want to go see the latest in the DC Universe” (cbc.ca 2022). Cinema is a great example of the liminal experience, where we don’t use our bodies and the only thing we are doing is looking at the screen. It gives us an opportunity to launch the “Contextually unavailable” campaign.
A 50-second ad will be played on the screen before the movie begins, utilizing artificial intelligence. As people are still getting settled in their seats, a message will appear on the screen saying "Please pay attention to the screen." Once the software detects that 80% of the audience is making eye contact with the screen, a new message will be displayed: "Connection established." The experience will conclude with the tagline "Elsewhere. Here and now. Available on iOS 17” and the Apple logo.

“Contextually unavailable” Instagram execution.
“A study from IDC Research found that 80 per cent of smartphone users check their mobile devices within 15 minutes of waking up each morning” (huffpost.com 2019). And we also know that 76% of Gen Z are on Instagram (later.com 2023). It is reasonable to assume that Azima will be checking her feed and going through stories of accounts she follows in the first half of the day. This presents an opportunity for us to launch the 'Contextually unavailable' campaign on Instagram and introduce the condition.
Apple Instagram page will feature six posts from the “Contextually unavailable” campaign on the day before WWDC 2023. Additionally, a new highlight called "Elsewhere" will be created to feature a new story in a similar style to the posts. The posts will return to normal after 24 hours, and a new story will be posted, stating "Elsewhere. Here and now. Available on iOS 17”.

“Contextually unavailable” Tomorrowland execution.
Tomorrowland is a musical festival that will take place on Friday July 21 - Sunday July 23, 2023 and on Friday July 28 - Sunday July 30, 2023. “It was recently crowned world's best music festival” (brusselstimes.com 2023). This event is fitting for the campaign because the themes for the festival are futuristic and innovative and production goes above and beyond to deliver the most engaging experience for the people. The timeline aligns well with the strategy timeline, it’s right after WWDC 2023 but before the official release in September which opens an opportunity to execute “Contextually unavailable” campaign. It is a great place to reach our primary and secondary target because “Approximately 32 million people attend at least one music festival in the U.S. each year, and nearly half (46%) are aged 18-34” (nielsen.com 2015).
In collaboration with Apple, an exclusive set will be created by Rezz, a Canadian DJ and record producer from Niagara Falls, Ontario (spotify.com). Rezz is known for her attention to detail in building her songs, which demands the listener's attention. She is known for encouraging the crowd to pay attention to the visuals at the stage. The campaign aligns with her aesthetic, and a liminal and multisensory experience at her performance would be a suitable addition (dancemusicnw.com 2019). The performance will use visuals from the "Contextually unavailable" campaign and incorporate elements inspired by the Elsewhere with Apple app. The aim is to capture the crowd's attention and direct it to the stage, rather than having them experience the event through the cameras of their devices. The set will also feature the "Contextually unavailable Remix," with a catchy beat that has the potential to become a viral sound on social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

Key takeaways:
Comprehensive scenario planning: implementing failure-mapping by considering multiple scenarios and channels, allowing for a more robust and adaptable product.
Effective deliverable presentation: understanding the project's deliverables and choosing the most suitable methods for presenting them, ensuring clear communication of design concepts.
Optimized resource allocation: discovering the art of pushing boundaries and finding out just how long one can go without sleep (although not recommended for everyday practice!).

GradEx 108, OCAD University’s 108th Annual Graduate Exhibition – Toronto’s largest free art and design exhibition from May 3-7, 2023.
- Develop a new user scenario for Azima.
- Collect Azima’s data for 365 days (to showcase how her unique timepiece develops over the course of the year of using the app).
The scenario will include a compilation of Azima’s data from using the platform over the past year, along with a detailed breakdown of her experience. This will help illustrate how her timepiece has evolved over time, and will give her an opportunity to reflect on what truly matters to her.